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Sinan Savaskan: Many Stares...

Autumn 2024

In 2022, we will realise some new Modules from Sinan Savaskan's Many Stares through Semi-Nocturnal Zeiss-blink, with support from the PRS Foundation's Composer's Fund. 

Savaskan's conception is fascinating. There are 360 possible modules of this work, all highly distinctive, yet belonging totally to the whole. In 2014, we played Module 30, which went on to win a BASCA Composer's Award. Listen here.

Find out more about this strikingly individual composer on our portrait page.

Screens CD Release

November 2023

After many Covid-era postponements, we are happy to release ’Screens’, a CD of works by Frank Denyer spanning 50 years. It has been a huge and satisfying project. The disc will be released on another timbre in November 2023.


We are grateful to the Ernst von Siemens MusikStiftung, the PRS Foundation's Open Fund, and the Vaughan Williams Foundation for support.

Time - Space - Sound - Light CD

March 2024

Octandre has recorded a portrait CD Christian Mason, scheduled to be released on Winter and Winter in March 2024

We are grateful to the Internationales Künstlerhaus, Villa Concordia, Bamberg, Germany, the Vaughan Williams Foundation, and the Marchus Trust for support.

Octandre Ensemble gratefully acknowledges support from PRS Foundation and RVW Trust

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