Frank Denyer Portrait Documentary
The Coronet @ The Print Room, Notting Hill, London
Following our Composer Portrait in May 2018, filmmaker Suhail Merchant created a mini-documentary about Frank Denyer, featuring footage from the concert.
Suhail is also preparing a full-length film about Frank Denyer's life and work: a preview can be seen here. Sound by Samuel Rodgers.
Click here to see a film of Sarah Saviet's performance of Denyer's The Hanged Fiddler (1972-3). Sound by Samuel Rodgers.
The Fish that became the Sun (Songs of the Dispossessed)World Premiere Broadcast
10pm, 14.12.19.
BBC Radio 3
Our performance of The Fish that became the Sun features on BBC Radio 3's The New Music Show, introduced by Tom Service.
The Fish that became the Sun (Songs of the Dispossessed)
World Premiere
Huddersfield Town Hall, UK
Frank Denyer (World Premiere Performance)
The Octandre Ensemble gives the first ever live performance of Frank Denyer's epic work, in collaboration with New London Chamber Choir, Consortium5, with percussionists and vocalists (coached by Linda Hirst) from Trinity Laban. Benjamin Marquise Gilmore features as solo violin. The performance will mark the release of our 2018 recording of the work for Another Timbre records.
The work involves 37 musicians with two conductors, playing a wide array instruments from all over the world and back into history, including Eunuch flutes, donkey's jaw rattle, fishing rod, crumhorn consort and various others.
The concert marks the release of our recording of the work on Another Timbre Records.
Time - Space - Sound - Light
10.09.19. 2200 (CET)
Radio France Broadcast
Performances from our Christian Mason Composer Portrait concert in August will be broadcast on Radio France, in a programme focussing on the influence of Claude Vivier. The programme also features an interview with Christian Mason about the French-Canadian composer's importance in his own music.
Listen to the broadcast here.
Time - Space - Sound - Light
Internationales Kunstlerhaus, Villa Concordia
Bamberg, Germany
Christian Mason - Composer Portrait
Flute - Audrey Milhères
'Cello - Corentin Chassard
Piano - Joseph Houston
Christian Mason's composer residency at Villa Concordia culminates in a very special portrait concert, featuring Octandre musicians performing works of which they are the dedicatees.
Click here for details of the programme.
Click here to visit Christian's personal website.